Dean-Trainee Affairs
Office of the Dean-Trainee Affairs
ir Welcome to the Aldai Technical training institute website. The Institute offers diverse academic programs in the fields of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics, Business, Agriculture, Liberal studies, Information communication and Technology (ICT) and CBET programs Accredited by CDDAC and TVETA. The office of the Dean of students is primarily concerned with students’ welfare within the Institute. It is committed to helping all students to reach their fullest potential by encouraging them to engage in self-reflection and think critically in order to foster personal growth. The D.O.S staff members work to meet each student’s unique need in order to support their academic success.
The office of the Dean of Students co-ordinates students’ welfare, co-curricular activities, Orientation /induction of new students, liaison with partners (parents, guardians/sponsors), guidance and counseling services. These activities are designed to enhance success in the students’ academic as well as personal development. The office of the Dean fondly advocates for student’s needs, issues and concerns that affect them.
The office works in liaison with its service sections and co-ordinates their activities. The sections are; Guidance and Counseling, Accommodation, Catering services, Clinical services, Clubs and Societies, Students Union (ATTISU) and Sports. It also works in liaison with the Security department for student’s welfare. The Office of the DoS acts as a link between the Institute, Administration and the students and further provides chaplaincy services through the relevant patrons by co-coordinating religious activities in the institution
Services –at a-glance
- Accommodation and catering;
- Maintain proper order and decorum (students’ discipline- order, harmony and cohesion);
- Health services and referrals;
- Students governance;
- Student’s welfare and social concerns.
We advise students with Low Economic Background, to seek loans and bursaries from the following Financial Institutions:
- Higher Education Loans Board – HELB
- Constituency Development Funds
- County Governments
- Other funding agencies like Churches among others
The office of the Dean is devoted in supporting the Vision and Mission of the Institute and it strives to offer exemplary services to the students, staff, alumni, community, among other stakeholders.
Once again, welcome and visit our entire website to view the variety of academic programs.
Yego Abraham,
Dean-Trainee Affairs Aldai T.T.I